วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

World Of Warcraft Strategy Guide

World of Warcraft Strategy Guide is something you definitely need if you
plan to dominate the game. There are thousands of players out there who
always trying something new every day, testing tips and tricks from
numerous WoW forums. After through these long trials, some are having
small success, others don't.

There is reason for this; WoW is a massive game, contain multiple factors
such as race, class, professions, events, quests, guilds, the game's
economy, and hundreds other. As a single player, there is NO WAY you can
mastering all of these on your own even if you sit down playing WoW 24/7
for years. The game will simply catch on by releasing new patch or
expansion pack.

Then how do you dominating the game without put so much effort? Let's
review some facts: World of Warcraft is a MMORPG created by Blizzard
Entertainment, a world famous name in the PC game industry for years. Even
today, there are players that still playing their game that released back
in 1990s (Star Craft and Diablo II). Currently WoW is the world's
most-subscribed MMORPG with 11.5 million monthly subscriber and hold 62%
of MMORPG market.

Get the picture? With this massive subscriber and MMORPG market
domination, this game is provide potentially huge market for WoW related
products. And that is what people do: create products; and strategy guide
is the one with the highest demand, period. Now, as I stated above, there
is no way a single player can mastering all the game aspects even if he
play the game without rest every day; even if he just create a specific
guide such as gold guide, he still has to update the tricks on every patch
and expansion, so how did he keeps up with all the tasks?

The answer is simple: these guys are professionals; they do this as a job
and have many staffs to help them on various tasks, such as managing
forum, researching the new patch, fixing bugs, testing new methods, etc to
cover as many aspects of the game which one cannot do alone. With their
income on the line, staffs to paid every months, and the money back
guarantee promise, they will sure to deliver you the best guides the can
create with the fastest update (most of these products comes with lifetime
subscription, so you can be sure to receive updates) to satisfy your need.

The fact remains: people will do better if there are something to gain
back, so you definitely won't find any of their secret tricks in any free
source information provider such as forum. So if you want to dominating
the game, get the best and most comprehensive guide you can find and
follow its every steps.

That said, it is also important to remind yourself that no matter how
great it is, WoW is just a game; so if any of you thinking of hacking,
stealing, or resort to any illegal activities in order to get your hand on
these guide; think again, it is just a game and don't worth the risks.

